Risa/Asir Journal
ISSN 1349-127X (Online)
ISSN 1349-1261 (Paper)
Japanese page
- Volume 1, 2006 (2006, November. Japanese, PDF).
- Volume 2, 2007 (2007, December. Japanese, PDF).
- Volume 3, 2009 (2010, March. Japanese, PDF).
- Volume 4, 2012 (2013, September. Japanese, PDF).
- This journal will change to new series Journal of Free Mathematical Software
in a near future.
The Risa/Asir Journal will welcome not only articles related to Risa/Asir,
but also any article on free mathematical software systems.
What is Risa/Asir Journal?
"Risa/Asir Journal" (English edition/Japanese edition) is founded in
2006 and is published one volume per year under the editorship
of "Computational mathematics promotion association".
It is published both in paper form and in electronic form.
Electronic form is the main distribution format and only a few copies
are printed in the paper form.
It serves for publishing original articles not only in traditional form
but also in multi-media concerning the study of computational mathematics.
Any interesting article related to mathematical software
is welcome.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Articles on new packages for Risa/Asir.
Computational mathematics related to
developements of an open source computer mathematics system Risa/Asir.
- Software engineering problems for mathematical software systems.
- Mathematics and media (including user interfaces).
- Applications of mathematical software systems.
- Expository articles for Risa/Asir.
Nobuki Takayama (Managing editor)
Toshinori Oaku (Advisory editor)
(Former editors)
Bruno Buchberger (Advisory editor)
How to submit papers?
Send a paper and/or multi-media presentations to the managing editor
Nobuki Takayama ()
by e-mail (sending only links to papers is also fine).
Papers should be written in LaTeX (article style) and in English.
English papers may be translated into Japanese by us
to publish in our journal.
CVS Repositry of Risa/Asir (for developpers).
(Risa/Asir is put under OpenXM_contrib2)
This journal is the first step of our ambitious project of
publishing a journal for (mostly free) mathematical software systems.
Links (some are in Japanese)
- OpenXM ,
- Asir Manual in html including installation instructions.
- Risa/Asir Drill Book, by M.Noro and N.Takayama (in HTML) ,
(in PDF) ,
(in PS) ,
Edited and published by
Computational Mathematics Promotion Association
c/o Department of Mathematics, Kobe University,
Rokko, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan
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