Package files in the Doc/ (lib/) directory

A set of user friendly packages are provided for people who are interested in $D$-modules ($D$ is the ring of differential operators), but are not interested in the aspect of sm1 as a part of distributed computing system. Here is a list of packages.

  1. bfunction.sm1 : Computing b-functions. This script is written by T.Oaku.
  2. factor-a.sm1 : A sample interface with risa/asir [1] to factor given polynomials.
  3. hol.sm1 : A basic package for holonomic systems (Gröbner basis and initial ideals, holonomic rank, characteristic variety, annihilating ideal of $f^s$).
  4. gkz.sm1 : Generate GKZ system for a given $A$ and $b$.
  5. appell.sm1 : Generate Appell hypergeometric differential equations.
  6. cohom.sm1 : An experimental package for computing restrictions and de Rham cohomology groups mainly written by T.Oaku.
  7. kanlib1.c : An example to explain an interface between kan and C-program. Type in ``make kanlib1'' to compile it.
  8. ox.sm1 : A package for communication based on the open XM protocol. The open sm1 server ox_sm1 can be obtainable from the same ftp cite of kan/sm1. See for the protocol design.
  9. oxasir.sm1 : A package to use open asir server based on the open XM protocol. Open asir server ox_asir will be distributed from [1]. The package cohom.sm1 (deRham) and annfs need this package to analyze the roots of $b$-functions. The built-in function to analyze the roots is slow. The open asir server and oxasir.sm1 should be used for efficient analysis of the roots of $b$-functions. See the usage of oxasir for the latest information.
  10. intw.sm1 : Compute $0$-th integration of a given $D$-module by using a generic weight vector.

See the section three of onlinehelp.tex for more informations.

Nobuki Takayama 2020-11-24