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: resol1 : Macros in libraries : res-solv


 [ ii v] resol0 r 
array of poly ii; string v;
<< vv >> is a string of variables separated by ,
 [ ii v] resol0 r 
array of poly ii; array of strings v;
<< vv >> is an array of variable names. 
 [ ii v w] resol0 r 
array of poly ii; string v; array w;
<< w >> is a weight vector.
You can also give a parameter << d >> to specify the truncation depth
of the resolution: [ d ii v] resol0, [d ii v w] resol0
resol0 constructs a resolution which is adapted (strict)
to a filtration. So, it is not minimal.
 r = [starting Groebner basis g, [ s1, s2 , s3, ...], order-def].
g is the reduced Groebner basis for f, 
 s1 is the syzygy of g,
 s2 is the syzygy of s1,
 s3 is the syzygy of s2 and so on.
For details, see math.AG/9805006
cf. sResolution, tparse, s_ring_..., resol0.cp
Example:  [ [( x^3-y^2 )  ( 2 x Dx + 3 y Dy + 6 )  ( 2 y Dx + 3 x^2 Dy) ] 
             (x,y) ] resol0 ::

Nobuki Takayama 平成17年2月10日