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: Example of using OX : How to start a : Negotiation of the byte   Ìܼ¡

An example of launcher : ox

ox, included in OpenXM/src/kxx, is a launcher to invoke an engine. After invoking an engine, it acts as a control server. By default ox requires a one time password. To skip it, use -insecure option. A one time password is a null-terminated byte sequence and a client informs both a control server and an engine of byte sequences as one time passwords.

ox is created from oxmain.c and kan96xx/plugin/oxmisc.c. In ox
oxTellMyByteOrder() executes the exchange of the byte order information. In a client it is done in oxSetByteOrder().

One time passwords should be sent via secure communication channels. Note that in the current implementation of ox, one time passwords are visible to all users logging in machines on which the server and the client run, assuming that there is no evil person among the users. One may use ssh with -f option when one wants to send a one time password securely to a remote machine.

The following example shows invocation of an ox_sm1 server and the communication establishment on sm1. In this example ox on the host dc1 is invoked from sm1 on the host yama.

yama% sm1
sm1>(ox.sm1) run ;
ox.sm1, --- open sm1 protocol module 10/1,1999  (C) N.Takayama. oxhelp for help
sm1>[( (taka)] sm1connectr-ssh /ox.ccc set ;
Hello from open. serverName is and portnumber is 0
Done the initialization. port =1024
Hello from open. serverName is and portnumber is 0
Done the initialization. port =1025
[    4 , 1025 , 3 , 1024 ] 
Executing the command : ssh -f -l taka 
"/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/oxlog /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -icon 
-e /home/taka/OpenXM/bin/ox -reverse -ox /home/taka/OpenXM/bin/ox_sm1 
-host -data 1025 -control 1024 -pass 518158401   "
['s password: 
Trying to accept... Accepted.
Trying to accept... Accepted.

Control port 1024 : Connected.

Stream port 1025 : Connected.
Byte order for control process is network byte order.
Byte order for engine process is network byte order.

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: Example of using OX : How to start a : Negotiation of the byte   Ìܼ¡
Nobuki Takayama Heisei 17.2.10.