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Function names and variables in a library may be encapsulated by module. Let us see an example of using module

module stack;

static Sp $
Sp = 0$
static Ssize$
Ssize = 100$
static Stack $
Stack = newvect(Ssize)$
localf push $
localf pop $

def push(A) {
  if (Sp >= Ssize) {print("Warning: Stack overflow\nDiscard the top"); pop();}
  Stack[Sp] = A;
def pop() {
  local A;
  if (Sp <= 0) {print("Stack underflow"); return 0;}
  A = Stack[Sp];
  return A;

def demo() {

Module is encapsulated by the sentences module module name and endmodule. A variable of a module is declared with the key word static. The static variables cannot be refered nor changed out of the module, but it can be refered and changed in any functions in the module. A global variable which can be refered and changed at any place is declared with the key word extern.

Any function defined in a module must be declared forward with the keyword localf. In the example above, push and pop are declared. This declaration is necessary.

A function functionName defined in a module moduleName can be called by the expression moduleName.functioName(arg1, arg2, ...) out of the module. Inside the module, moduleName. is not necessary. In the example below, the functions push and pop defined in the module stack are called out of the module.

 print( stack.pop() );

Any function name defined in a module is local. In other words, the same function name may be used out of the module to define a different function.

The module structure of asir is introduced to develop large libraries. In order to load libraries on demand, the command module_definedp will be useful. The below is an example of demand loading.

if (!module_definedp("stack")) load("stack.rr") $

It is not necessary to declare local variables in asir. As you see in the example of the stack module, we may declare local variables by the key word local. Once this key word is used, asir requires to declare all the variables. In order to avoid some troubles to develop a large libraries, it is recommended to use local declarations.

When we need to call a function in a module before the module is defined, we must make a prototype declaration as the example below.

/* Prototype declaration of the module stack */
module stack;
localf push $
localf pop $

def demo() {

module stack;
  /* The body of the module stack */

In order to call functions defined in the top level from the inside of a module, we use :: as in the example below.

def afo() {
  S = "afo, afo";
  return S;
module abc;
localf foo,afo $

def foo() {
  G = ::afo();
  return G;
def afo() {
  return "afo, afo in abc";

[1200] abc.foo();
afo, afo
[1201] abc.afo();
afo, afo in abc
section module_list, section module_definedp, section remove_module.

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