DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE March 16, 2002 (for developer) Q. I want to make "asir" on cygwin We need XFree86 for cygwin to build asir on cygwin. You can download XFree86 from the homepage of the cygwin project. export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH cd OpenXM/src/asir2000 rm .*done make March 7, 2002 (for developer) Q. How to attach a tag to the head branch cvs rtag -r HEAD RELEASE_1_2_1 OpenXM OpenXM_contrib OpenXM_contrib2 December 27, 2001 (Windows) Q. The path for engine.exe is written in the registry. How to remove the data from the registry? start "regedit" from MSDOS command prompt and remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->FUJITSU->ASIR December 24, 2001 (Windows) Q. OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/asirgui2.bat stops with an error "Not enough area for environmental variables". This trouble happens on Windows 95/98/ME. Increase the area for environmental variables. (1) Staring the command prompt with command /e:5000 is the simplest way. (2) By msconfig (win98/ME) or sysedit (win95), set the value of the environmental variable shell to the value c:\windows\ /p /e:5000 August 10, 2001 (Windows, developer) Q. Shell scripts which start with ":" does not sometimes work on cygwin (for developers). It seems that this trouble happens when the login shell is csh. Please replace :'s in OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/cat0, OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/ar-decomp by #!/bin/sh May 6, 2001 (developer) Q. I want to replace tabs by spaces. (for developers) A. (For emacs). Esc x mark-whole-buffer Esc x indent-region Esc x untabify May 6, 2001 (developer) Q. I want to know symbol names that gcc defines. (for developers) A. Generate a dummy file foo.c and type in gcc -v -c foo.c Jan 18, 2001 (user, developer) Q. I cannot compile and execute OpenXM/src/ox_math (OpenXM support of Mathematica) on Debian potato. A (by Ohara). 1. Mathlink does now work properly under glibc2.1. See and replace libML.a 2. Install libc5 by apt-get install libc5 Dec 17, 2000 (user) Q. I cannot start xterm for some OpenXM servers on Debian potato. A (by Ohara). Reason: If you start a.out by "xterm -e a.out" on Debian 2.2, the value of the environmental variable is not given to a.out. Troubles: "oxc" is dynamically linked with$OpenXM_HOME/lib/, so oxc could not be started with "xterm -e oxc". A solution: Generate a symbolic link from to /lib For example, become the super user and input the follows: cd /lib ln -s $OpenXM_HOME/lib/ . ln -s $OpenXM_HOME/lib/ . Nov 30, 2000 (user) Q. I'm using Redhat Linux. Installation of the RPM package of openxm fails because libgd does not exists. (A) Search libgd at (B) Download libgd 1.3 and install it by rpm. You might find only the latest version of libgd at If you need to find older versions, try to find them at For example, libgd for Redhat 6.2 is at If you are using netscape, access to this site and shift+click gd-1.3-6 RPM for i386 Then, you can download gd-1.3-6.i386.rpm Sep 28, 2000 (user) Q. I cannot start remote ox servers with ssh. A. (A) Check if ssh works properly. For example, can you start xterm by the command ssh -f -X -A remote-machine-name xterm ? Some old versions of ssh do not accept options -X and -A. If you have such versions, change the value of ASIR_RSH in the shell script /usr/local/bin/asir. Example: ASIR_RSH='ssh -f ' If you cannot start xterm with the error "command not found", you need to add a path to .cshrc or .bashrc. Example: set path=(/usr/X11R6/bin $path) (.cshrc) export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH (.bashrc) (B) Asir of openXM version 1.1.3 cannot start remove ox servers by ssh if the login shell of the remote server is sh or bash. This bug will be fixed in the next release. (C) Now, try to start the ox_asir server from asir by the command: ox_launch(remote-host-name,"/usr/local/OpenXM/lib/asir","ox_asir"); If you couldn't add -v option to ASIR_RSH, and start ssh with the debug mode. It will help you. (Example: ASIR_RSH='ssh -v -f -X -A ' ) April 12, 2000. (user) Q. I installed OpenXM package by RPM (openxm*.rpm). Asir command returns /var/tmp/openxm-root/OpenXM/bin/asir is not found and I cannot start asir. A. Become root and type in the following command sequences: cd /usr/local/OpenXM/rc make clean; make install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How to use functions for LLL algorithm in pari? A. gp (Starting pari) x = [1,0 ; 0,1] (Define a matrix. Do not use [[1,0],[0,1]].) qflll(x) Q. How to use functions for LLL algorithm in asir by calling pari? A. asir X = newmat(2,2,[[1,0],[0,1]]); pari(lll,X);