Risa/Asir (Kobe Distribution) Download Page

Japanese page

Risa/Asir is an open source general computer algebra system. Kobe distribution is being developed by OpenXM committers. The original Risa/Asir is developed at Fujitsu Labs LTD. See here as to the copyright and the liscence agreement.


  1. The latest Asir manual, Asir-Contrib manual, other related documents

An introduction by screenshots

Using asir from TeXmacs, Asir on Windows, cfep/asir on MacOS X


  1. In order to download source codes from GitHub, see the instruction at OpenXM home
  2. Download asir binary for Windows by HTTP
  3. Please visit OpenXM home to get debian packages.
  4. Download for Mac OS X. (It is recommended to build asir from the source code to avoid troubles by the security functionality of the recent MacOS. (1) Fetch sources codes from the github. (2) Install Xcode, XQauartz (X11), and gcc, emacs, nkf, gnuplot TeX by homebrew (3) make configure; make install under OpenXM/src. Details (in Japanese).)
  5. Asir for Android , (command line version on termux)
  6. Asir for iOS, (command line version on iSH)
  7. Android, iOS versions at github.io (in testing).
  8. add-ons by HTTP
  9. Nightly snapshot of the asir-contrib in the zip format. It can be installed by the asir_contrib_update() command in the latest asir.

A quick guide for installation

  1. Windows binary version: Follow the instruction of the installer. The asirgui can work with some text editors (see asir\share\editor).
    If the installer does not start, disable, e.g., the SmartScreen Filter, temporaly. FAQ on ScreenFilter .
  2. Unix source distribution: follow the document in the tar.gz archive or in the manual.

CVS Repositry of Risa/Asir (for developpers).

cvsweb (Risa/Asir is put under OpenXM_contrib2)


  1. 2014-03-27 .
  2. Releases in 2015 . (zip files are also here)
  3. 2014.
  4. 2013.
  5. 2011 , This page in 2011.
  6. Unix virtual machine in which asir 201008* (unix version) is installed. The virtual machine runs on the VMware player (windows) and the VMware fusion (Mac)
  7. 2008
  8. 2006
  9. OpenXM 1.2.2 (2005)

References and links

  1. Documents
  2. Algorithms for Computer Algebra Systems, by M.Noro (PDF, in Japanese)
  3. Risa/Asir Drill Book (English version), by M.Noro and N.Takayama PDF . This is a partial translation of the Japanese version, which is obtainable from the Japanese page. Programs in the drill book .


asir2005@math.Xkobe-u.Xac.Xjp (please replace ".X" by ".")

 $Id: asir.html,v 1.56 2024/12/12 22:19:13 taka Exp $